Everything began with a text-based version under MS-DOS?. Grinding-programs were generated and optimized for a PUMA 700 robot. FAMOS derives from this application its name: Fehleranalyse und Modifikation von Schleifprogrammen (Error analysis and modification of grinding-programs).
FAMOS robotic® developed fast to a 16Bit application for Windows 3.11 and used the advantages of the graphic user interface to simplify the access to the program data. The trajectories were showen already in 3 D.
For the first time it was possible to load 3D-models (dxf-files) and generate trajectories out of them.
With Windows 95 a new user interface came up and finally it had a shaded 3D-view.
Programs were proofed better with the aid of the tool simulation.
The last 16Bit version was the version 6.1.1i. It supported 5 robot manufacturers and was able to import VDA/ FS-files.
As a result of the increasing performance requirements of CAD-data in 2003 a complete redesign had begun. The developer team was expanded. For the first time in 2005 the beta of the 7th version was introduced at our in-house trade show.
The Famos V7 CAD interface was greatly improved and had support for IGES, STEP, VDA, SAT, x_t, x_b and Pro/E data.
Also new was the simulation of robots and external devices in any number and combination.
New operating systems like Windows™ Vista and Windows™ 7, new graphics standards and the desire for a collisin control system, made it necessary to completly redesign the rendering engine and other application components. The development started 2007. The result was FAMOS robotic® V8. Version 8 was presendet on 8th of October 2009 during our in-house exhibition. Until this time over 800 changes were made in Version 7 and a total of 31 updates were published.
Early 2015 the version 9 of Famos robotic was introduced. The rendering was considerably accelerated. The entire CAD interface has been redesigned. Models could now be arranged in any number of groups. Thanks to the newly introduced CAD database, models and assemblies could be recycled more easily and quickly. Copy&Paste from CAD groups between projects was possible, too.
Also new, the I/O simulation. In the simulation, the robot could now wait for signals from other devices or sensors.
Famos robotic V9 was released as a 64-bit version in 2016. With this version, significantly larger CAD models and assemblies with even more components could be loaded.
Famos robotic V9 is taken over by DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH on 01.07.2023.